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Dr. Shaima Mohammed Al Qahtani

Assistant Professor

Physical Education

Dr. Shaima Alqahtani (Ph.D., Biological, health and Physical Sciences, Alexandria University 2013) has more than 20 years of experience and expertise in the Academic and Administration fields at University of Bahrain. Dr. Alqahtani started earlier taken the responsibilities of coordinating all required schedules for the whole Physical Education College program from 2012 to 2015. Also due to her high skills and talents that have been shown and recognized in Leadership, Managing Teams and Solving Problems she was assigned to be the Acting Head of Physiotherapy Department from 2015 till 2020. Moreover, she was the director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation representing the College of Physical Education from 2015 till 2017. Dr. Alqahtani main major and experience are in the field of Physical and Health science, she is mainly teaching the following main two subjects (Adapted Physical Education and Exercise Physiology). Recently on Aug, 2021, Dr. Alqahtani have been successfully completed and achieved the status of fellow (FHEA) Framework for tecahing and learning support program in higher education from UK Proffessional Standards (AdvanceHE).
