B.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Science

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The B.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences program is four (4) academic years (8 semesters) with a total of 129 credits. The Medical Laboratory Technologist contributes to the development and application of new techniques for the improved diagnosis of diseases. The aim of the program is to graduate competent Diagnostic Medical Laboratory Technologists who contribute to quality healthcare, nationally, regionally, and internationally. Specific courses focus on all of the major disciplines including Hematology, Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, Immunohematology, Histopathology and Cytology.




  1. Prepare competent Medical Lab Technologists who are able to perform a full range of routine and specialized laboratory tests in various diagnostic areas of the clinical lab.
  2. Graduate Lab Technologists who are accountable, reliable and capable of performing a full range of lab tests ranging from the routine to specialized tests. Reviewing and interpreting results accurately and maintaining equipment.
  3. Empower Medical Technologist to create and sustain a caring environment utilizing critical thinking, leadership, communication and basic research skills.
  4. Graduate laboratory professional that are capable of contributing towards the advancement of the profession and healthcare services through lifelong learning.
  5. Cultivate professionalism; demonstrated by the standards of practice, values and code of ethics.
  6. Meet community health needs through graduating Medical Lab Technologist who are able to work at primary, 2nd and tertiary health care sittings.


a) Perform diagnostic laboratory analysis in accordance with the established laboratory procedures and professional standards of practice without error of clinical significance.

b) Maintain laboratory equipment in accordance with laboratory procedures to the extent that laboratory safety and test results without error of clinical significance are assured.

c) Employ basic management skills of organization, budget and planning in accordance with governmental and/or institutional policies and regulations.

d) Maintain best practices and principles of administration to enhance quality and efficiency of laboratory functions.

e) Demonstrate an awareness of the need for continuing education in terms of professional growth and development.

f) Use evidence-based practice to find, understand, interpret, and apply research findings to the professional practice.

g) Apply knowledge of evidence-based practice to create, analyze and interpret data to validate a new method/instrument, quality program and published scholarly work and apply the results/information to professional practice.

h) Follow professional conduct protocols and demonstrates corporate social responsibilities.

i) Demonstrate effective and appropriate communication skills in the clinical laboratory science field

j) Practice high standards of ethical behavior in interactions with patients and other health care professionals