Diploma in Community Health Nursing

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The Community Health Nursing Program (CHN) is a specialty RN Diploma training course for AD General Nursing or BSc. Nursing graduates leading to a Community Health Nursing Diploma. The aim of this program is to prepare the Community Health nurses working in health centers, to provide community based primary healthcare in the areas of disease prevention, health promotion, and health maintenance. The duration of the Community Health Nursing Program is one academic year. Students are required to earn 41 credits to graduate.

In Bahrain, chronic diseases are now the leading cause of death among adults. The Community Health Nursing Program graduates nurses are equipped to meet such demands.




The objectives of the Community Health Nursing Program are to produce graduates who will:

  • Apply analytical, organizational and interpretive skills based on a deeper and broader knowledge base, in the use of the nursing process in different care settings.
  • Provide minor diagnosis and curative services in defined settings such as during home visits, mobile services and school health using standard protocols.
  • Organize and supervises the work of nurses of other categories in the community field as per Nursing Administration policy and in conjunction with the general administration of Health Center Directorate.
  • Apply relevant research finding to improve individual, family and community care.
  • Apply knowledge and skills used in the comprehensive health assessment of individuals.


a) Collaborate with individual, family, community and other stakeholders in conducting holistic assessments and needs of the individuals, family, and community.

b) Demonstrate knowledge of and effectively implement health promotion strategies that will make it easier for people to make healthier choices.

c) Collaborate with the individual/community to assist in taking responsibility for maintaining or improving their health by increasing their knowledge, influence and control over the determinants of health.

d) Help individuals/communities make informed choices about protective and preventive health measures.

e) Engaging collaborative, interdisciplinary partnerships to address risks, prevention, and protection of individual, family, community.

f) Identify a range of interventions including health promotion, disease prevention, and guide individual/community beliefs, attitudes, feelings and values about health.

g) Use strategies such as home visits, outreach and case finding to ensure access to services and health supporting conditions for potentially vulnerable populations.


  • Associate Diploma / B.sc. in Nursing with CGPA 2.00/4 or equivalent.
  • Minimum one year of clinical experience.
  • Proficiency in English with a minimum score of 400 in the TOEFL or 4.5 on the IELTS.
  • Bahraini Nursing License.